Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hurt wrist!

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I'm dealing with some carpal tunnel syndrome over here. I'm trying to avoid surgery and letting my chiropractor work on it. So I'll try to post and keep up as much as I can. I have alot to write about so it's frustrating. LOL! I'm okay though. Hopefully I'll be back to normal again soon!


Mrs. Tuna said...

Get better soon.

Jenny said...

Thanks! It's really starting to feel much better! Looks like I can avoid surgery! YAY!

Gina Alfani said...

Hey Jenny . . .

Glad to hear you are doing better . . . I occasionally get a sore hand and have to wear a brace.

Thanks for following my blog . . . I am following you as well!

Have a wonderful weekend . . . Gina